Remineralization systems; These are the systems used to increase the pH value of the product water purified after the reverse osmosis system by ensuring the mineral balance of the water and to bring minerals that are beneficial to human health.
In systems produced as manual controlled and fiberglass tanks, water; Dolomite mineral melts by filtering from top to bottom in the filter and thus calcium, magnesium, carbonate minerals are added to the water.
Su arıtma sistemleri özellikle tarım ve ziraat alanın da toprakada eksik olan mineralleri kazandırılmasını sağlar. Manuel kontrollü ve fiberglas tanklı olarak üretilen sistemlerde su; filtre içerisinde yukarıdan aşağıya doğru süzülerek dolomit minerali erir ve böylece suya kalsiyum, magnezyum, karbonat mineralleri kazandırılmış olur.
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